
Thanks for visiting my blog. I am BNL Bali Grl, otherwise known as Bali. I started letterboxing in September 2006. I'm addicted and wish I would have heard about this fanastic hobby years ago. I primarily plant and find boxes in the SE Michigan area. I hope to meet you out on the trails soon! Feel free to contact me at BNLBaliGrl@sbcglobal.net

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fall Event!

Double Dragon and I are planning a letterboxing scavenger hunt this fall in SE Michigan. It will be kind of set up like a road rally. More information here.... http://creepycrawl2007.blogspot.com/ . This site will be updated with information as it is available.

Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Update complete!

Well, I think I've completely updated my blog to date. I've added
links for my plants, a diary of my finds, listings of exchanges and
spoiler photos of my stamps. This has been a lot of work, but quite
a bit of fun, too. I've been mad at myself for not saving copies of
my "find reports" that I send to the placers. On my "finds" page,
I've tried to recreate those emails from my memory and the notes I
took in my log book. It's been a great journey into the past to
relive some of these finds. I haven't been out boxing for several
weeks, so this has been a little bit of a "fix" for me. I hope you
enjoy this blog. Please let me know if there's anything else you'd
like to see here.

ISO Shocka Ankh hitchhiker

Oh where or where could my little hitch hiker be? It was released into the wild 10/1/06 in Genesee County, MI and I haven't heard a word about it since. I'm not looking to have it returned to me yet. I just wonder how it's doing and where it's gone. Have you seen it? If so, let me know the vitals! I'm curious!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blogging Finds

Whole lotta work! I've been working on blogging my finds to date! What a pain! I'm glad I'm doing it because boxes I've found previously have gone missing or are being retired so the online logs on LbNA and AQ are inaccurate. I don't really care about the "numbers", but it's nice to see where I've been. So, having this up to date will be great! I had to stop for the night because blogspot decided I was a spammer after I sent too many posts. LOL I only have about 16 or so more to log, but I don't want to do the word verification thing for every post. I will wait until tomorrow or Wednesday to finish.

There's a link over there --------> if you're interested in reading about my "finding adventures".

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Calling all site owners and bloggers

I am looking for some great resources to add to this page. Do you
have a personal letterboxing website or blog you'd like to share? If
so, post the link here or drop me an email with the URL.

Do you have a favorite "resource" site you use all the time in your
boxing adventures? Maybe a favorite mapping program, park website,
puzzle solver, topo map or something else noteworthy? Again, post
the link here or drop me an email. I'd love to share the links with
other letterboxers.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Getting Started!

Hello! I haven't been out letterboxing in a few weeks and I'm going through withdrawals, so I decided to set up this blog!

I'm just getting started setting up this blog. I have clues to all of my letterboxes posted. I'd love to hear any suggestions for other things I should add to this page.

I would like to link my site to other local letterboxers in the Michigan or Great Lakes area! Do you have a website or blog you'd like me to link? If so, send it over and I'll post it straight away! (Straight away? I think I just channelled a Brit!) I take that back, I'll post it right away!

Nomadic Gnome - Summer Home Letterbox

Placement Date: 6/24/2007
County: Wayne
Nearest City: Brownstown

Hi there! My name is Jerome and I’m a Nomadic Gnome. My parents are always nagging me to settle down, establish a home and be a good citizen! But, I’m antsy and I get bored easily. I don’t want to stay in the same place all the time. Plus, I’m really indecisive. I’ve never really found a place that I love all the time. So, I have found four places in Michigan that I love and I relocate every few months. This way, I get the best of everything all year long! What could be better? In the winter, I go tobogganing and sledding. In the spring, it’s the love of flowers that calls me. What’s better than summer at the lake? Oooh, well, there’s cider, donuts and the smell of a crisp fall day. That’s pretty good, too! You can see why I can’t settle, right? So, come see me! I expect to see you four times a year in all my favorite places. When you decide to come visit, be sure to verify that I’m home first. I’d hate for you to try to go tobogganing in June and doughnut eating in February!

Summer Home: Jerome lives here from approximately mid June to around Labor Day.

Status: He’s Home! Come visit.

Lake Erie Metro Park
32481 W Jefferson, Brownstown, MI
Open 6am-10pm Daily. $4 per car (additional fees for wave pool, golf and boating)

Sorry, no pets on the nature trail!

It’s Summer! Golf! Picnics! Swimming! Wave Pool! Hiking! Nature Center! Boating! And a whole lot more!

Hi there! I’m Jerome! It’s nice to meet you. I’ve moved into my summer home at Lake Erie. I hope you come to visit me. If you do, head into the park and follow the signs to the Marshlands Museum and Nature Center. Once there, you can park anywhere that suits you. (For a longer walk, park by the Wave Pool and walk on the paved Hike-Bike trail to the museum) There are some really cool fish tanks and marsh displays inside the museum. You should go check them out! I bet you’ll find a neat little trail map inside, too. There’s also some information about a Metro Parks geo-caching adventure here. Please don’t ask anyone about me, though!

Look around the museum for a bit. You can head upstairs for some cozy chairs and a nice view. Or if you’re ready to come visit, head out the back door to find the mulch trail off to the left. There’s a boat dock here that’ll lead you astray, feel free to stop and observe or just head along on your way. Ohh, a cute little boardwalk bridge! Weee! Another overlook and a sportsman’s bench to distract you! Keep on going past the bench. And soon another overlook pulls you away. Go take a look, or just keep on walking. Hundreds of birds singing and singing! Another boardwalk and another gorgeous view. Aren’t the flowers lovely here? There was a beautiful big heron down to the left a ways when I moved in. Is he there now? Keep on walking down the main path, there’s a duck hunters bench for the weary. Keep walking, I think you’re getting close now! Mmmmm, berries! Can you smell their sweetness? Better not pick any, though. Keep walking along, straight ahead, don’t go left! I see another duck hunters bench that looks good for a rest. Another overlook down the long path to the right. Better not skip this one! When I moved in, a monarch butterfly and a dragonfly were chasing me around and dive-bombing me at the end of the boardwalk! I had a lot of fun watching and playing with them, so I decided this seemed like a good place to live. Don’t you agree? On your way back up to the bench, on the north side of the trail, look under the boards just where they meet the gravel. Do you see my house? Remember to cover me up and hide me well when you leave. I hate visits from muggles!

When you’re ready to go home, turn right past the bench and continue along your way to finish your journey. Keep walking for a while! Don’t let that big black dog scare you. He won’t bite! Just one last boardwalk and your car should be in sight.

Notes: I thought there was a beach here, but it turns out there isn’t! So for the purposes of my “accessories”, please pretend the umbrellas at the wave pool have stripes and that the concrete is really sand! =). If you’re looking for a good beach in the area, Sterling State Park is about 15 miles south. Take I-75 to exit 15. I heard a rumor that there may be a box located there!

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

Note, there is no inkpad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! If you’re creative, you may want to bring markers so that you can color the individual parts and pieces of these stamps appropriately. The Gnome stamp remains the same all year, but the scenery and accessories vary for each homestead. You can use any or all of the accessories to decorate your scene. If you plan to visit all four locations throughout the year, you should use at least one of the accessories, so you can differentiate the Gnome from place to place.

This box is very tightly packed and needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Please do not place hitchhikers in this box.


'Til Death Do Us Part - HPATGOF Letterbox

Placement Date: 6/21/2007
County: Wayne
Nearest City: Plymouth

Riverside Cemetery
Plymouth Road, West of Haggerty
Enter between Ernesto’s and the Courthouse. Don’t miss it!
Open from dawn to dusk

Letterbox Clues:
This box is part of my “Til Death Do Us Part” series. Each box is/will be planted in an old, interesting cemetery in Southeast Michigan. Each box is a tribute to of one of my favorite movies/tv shows in which death somehow plays a major part, although this does not necessarily mean it is the main plot. I am not intending for this to be a morbid series, by any means. I find it fascinating to read the stones in old cemeteries. Please try to appear that you have a reason to be here, pay attention to the all of the stones (not just the ones noted in the clues), stopping to observe them along the way. I hope you enjoy the series and your visit to these historical treasures.

Before you head out…
Solve this simple cryptogram to discover the movie that is the subject of this box:


Hint, the cryptogram “key” is the same for all boxes in this series. Before searching for this box, you will need to do some research on some of the actor names, character names, actor birth dates and other information that can easily be found on the internet in a movie database. It is not necessary to watch the movie before searching for this box. Although, it would enhance your enjoyment! Plus, it’s a good movie, so watch it anyway! ;)

Drive straight back to the mausoleum and park in front near the Block B sign. This cemetery is still active. Please remember to be respectful of the graves and any mourners.

From Block B, walk SSE to a brown spire for a man with the same first name as the actor who plays the title character ___________

Turn south, walk X ____ steps. X= the “age in 2007” ___ of the actor who plays Ron + the “age in 2007” ___of the actor who plays Cedric. You should end up at a ‘carpeted' stone with the first three letters + the last letter of the last name of the actor who plays Rubeus. ______

Turn the birthday month and birthday date of the actor who plays Amos into a 3 digit number (no rearranging) and subtract 600. _____ Walk this # of degrees to an old stone for a man with the same name as the character played by Robert Hardy _____________

Walk about 130 degrees to a stone of a lady who was 10 years older when she died _____ than the “age in 2007” of the actor who plays Lucius. From this stone, walk immediately to the left and stand in the road.

Facing south, head up the base of the Y and take the right fork. Head straight toward a Files with the formal first name of the actress who plays Minerva ______________

Standing in the road in front of this stone, walk 270 degrees. When you need to make a decision let the man whose first name is the singular version of the last name of the actor who plays Arthur lead the way.

Walk X ____ steps. X = the birthday date of the actors who play Fred & George.

Head the opposite direction from the gigantic Shaw. Ahead on the right, seek an old stone with the same first name as the actress who plays Hermione. _________

From this stone, walk in a slightly curved arc to the right X ______ # of steps. X = the “age in 2007” ___ of the actor who plays Sirius – the “birth date” ___of the actor who plays Draco.

Turn to the left. Do you see the goblet you seek? No, that’s probably not it! But, walk towards it anyway.

Walk about X___ steps to the right. X = the sum of the two digits in the “age in 2007” of the actor who plays the 'Lord'.

Seek a stone with the last name that is the plural version of the first name of the actor who plays Albus. _________

Facing this stone, look to the left for a concrete block wall. Your prize lies on the opposite side of the wall.

Once you are done, if you look behind you, you will see the mausoleum. Follow the winding road around to the left to return to your car.

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Please do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

The log book in this box is a little on the small side, if you have more than one “hunter” with you, please try to have everyone stamp on one page, if possible.

Note, there is no pen or stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! Black ink looks best!

This was a large stamp and I was having a hard time getting a good image when stamping in “optimal” conditions. So, I cut the words off and made two separate stamps for better results.

Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are small enough to allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed.

Thanks for visiting!

'Til Death Do Us Part - FG Letterbox

Placement date: 6/21/2007
County: Wayne
Nearest City: Northville

Rural Hill Cemetery
Seven Mile west of Sheldon
open from dawn to dusk

This box is part of my “Til Death Do Us Part” series. Each box is/will be planted in an old, interesting cemetery in Southeast Michigan. Each box is a tribute to of one of my favorite movies/tv shows in which death somehow plays a major part, although this does not necessarily mean it is the main plot. I am not intending for this to be a morbid series, by any means. I find it fascinating to read the stones in old cemeteries. Please try to appear that you have a reason to be here, pay attention to the all of the stones (not just the ones noted in the clues), stopping to observe them along the way. I hope you enjoy the series and your visit to these historical treasures.

Before you head out…
Solve this simple cryptogram to discover the movie that is the subject of this box:


Hint, the cryptogram “key” is the same for all boxes in this series. Before searching for this box, you will need to do some research on some of the actor names, character names, actor birth dates and other information that can easily be found on the internet in a movie database. It is not necessary to watch the movie before searching for this box. Although, it would enhance your enjoyment! Plus, it’s a good movie, so watch it anyway! ;)

Drive down the longish entrance road. At the first opportunity, turn left and park between two R's with the numbers of the actress who plays Jenny's birth month ____ and birthday ____, respectively. This cemetery is still active. Please remember to be respectful of the graves and any mourners.

Walk east along the road to 5. When you need to decide which way, let the swan lead you. Gladys was born 67 years before the actress who plays Jenny _______

Walk on; to the left you will see a family with the same last name as the actress who plays young Jenny ______. Keep following this road down; make a left and an immediate left at 15.

Keep on going, stopping to view the stones along the way. When you finally see Rockwell and Purdy ahead, a decision needs to be made. Although it’s not necessary for your quest, I highly recommend going to the left to pay your respects to some very special veterans. Once you’re done, head back this way and down the road towards the cannon.

On your way to the cannon, you will see a Geo and Lydia with the same last name as the character played by Gary Sinise ____________

Keep going and when you need to make a decision, jog left and right by 37-A and 34-B. The Baldwin’s should be on your left. HEY, wait; there weren’t any Baldwins in this movie!

Keep walking. The Butler will be on your right and the Baker will be on your left.

When you reach the sign that has the same numbers _____ as the birth month and the birthday of the actor who plays Bubba, turn left.

Find the Moss with the same formal first name as the actor who plays the title character. _________

From this headstone, walk about 278 degrees X ____ # of steps. X= the “age in 2007” of the actor who plays the young title character.

Face generally north and spot two twins with several skinny spiny arms. Your prize lies in the arms of the twin that is about X____ steps (X= the “birthday date” of the actress who plays'Momma')behind the stone of the man who was born 108 years before ______ the actor who plays the junior title character.

When you’re done, make a left down the road to return to your car.

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Please do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

The log book in this box is a little on the small side, if you have more than one “hunter” with you, please try to have everyone stamp on one page, if possible.

Note, there is no pen or stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! Black or brown look best for a monotone look. Or bring markers and do some creative coloring.

Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are small enough to allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed.

Thanks for visiting!

Only You.... part 2 Letterbox

Placement Date: 06/16/2007
County: Osceola
Nearest City: Reed City (maybe, maybe not)

Smokey Bear is a fictional character of the longest running public service campaign in United States history. The character's mission is to raise public awareness to protect America's forests. Since its inception, Smokey's forest fire prevention campaign has reduced the number of acres lost annually from 22 million to 4 million.

The Ad Council created Smokey’s message “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires” in 1944. In a recent study, 95% of those surveyed could finish the sentence when given the first words. In April 2001, Smokey's message was updated to "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires."

The Smokey the Bear ad campaign originally debuted on August 9, 1944. He was originally depicted wearing blue jeans and a campaign hat, pouring a bucket of water on a campfire.

The living symbol of Smokey Bear was an American black bear that in the spring of 1950 was caught in the Capitan Gap fire, a wildfire that burned 17,000 acres in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico. The cub was in the Lincoln National Forest. Smokey had climbed a tree to escape the blaze, but his paws and hind legs had been burned. He was rescued by forest rangers fighting the wildfire.

At first he was called Hotfoot Teddy, but was later renamed Smokey, after the mascot. A local rancher who had been helping fight the fire took the cub home with him, but he needed veterinary aid. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Ranger Ray Bell took him to Santa Fe. His wife, Ruth, and their children, Don and Judy, cared for the cub. The story was picked up by the national news services and Smokey became an instant celebrity. He and the Bells were featured in Life, cementing his star status. Soon after, Smokey was flown in a Piper Cub to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., where he lived for 26 years. Upon his death in November 1975, Smokey's remains were returned by the government to Capitan, New Mexico, and buried at what is now the Smokey Bear Historical Park.

Following the discovery of the living symbol of Smokey Bear, the character became a big part of American popular culture in the 1950s. He was on radio shows in the 1950s with his band, the Sons of the Pioneers. He appeared in comic strips and cartoons. His odyssey lives on to this day. Remember... "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires!"


Box History:
6/2/2007 - This box was originally planted as a one-day only letterbox for the Great Lakes Cluez-In gathering at Alum Creek State Park in Lewis Center, Ohio. Around 6pm, he was rescued from his perch and brought to the gathering as an "event stamp".

6/16/2007 – I’ve named this box “part 2” because it is the same original stamp in a new location at his permanent home in Michigan! The original “Only you….” Box listing has been retired/archived in order to properly maintain records.

Smokey has relocated from his temporary abode in Ohio to a permanent dwelling in Michigan. He’s bored. Will you please visit him? But, wait! Before you start out, make sure you completely douse out that campfire or turn off your BBQ grill! We don’t want any accidents while you’re away!

Man, oh Man! Smokey woke up from a long hibernation and he was darn hungry, I say! Stupid me, I accidentally left an old granola bar wrapper in my backpack! Smokey smelled the tantalizing aroma and destroyed my pack looking for some food! In the process, he also shredded the directions I just wrote to find his new house! Oh no! How are we going to find him now? I think managed to find all the important scraps of paper, but I haven’t been able to put them back in order. Can you do it? Smokey Bear’s waiting!

Where to go:
These are the words I found on the scraps of paper I recovered. I’ve wiped off the bear slobber for you. (ewwww!) I think I lost a few pieces, but hopefully this is enough to get you to Smokey’s den.

Marquette; Road; Leroy; Sunrise; Forest; Head; Length; Pere; State; Trailhead; ½ mile; 15 mile(s?); East; Pathway; Lake; Road; 6 mile(s?); Osceola; Campground

Once There:
Turn south and quickly east into Smokey’s abode
Park immediately on the side of the road

The trail starts on the south side
There is a small orange marker that likes to hide

Find the sign. Walk, skip or sway
Logs to the left and right mark the way

23 steps and another sign
Logs & logs, aren’t they divine?

22 steps, one more sign to mark the trail
I think you’re hot on Smokey’s tail!

More and more logs you see
6 steps, on left a broken tree

Take a reading of 254 degrees
See the large quintet of trees?

Wedged in the trunks, Smokey hides for safety
Pay him a visit, no need to be hasty!

Follow the trail to the campground
Back down the road where your car will be found
Or easier yet, just retrace your ground.

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

Note, there is no inkpad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! I suggest stamping with black ink and then using some brown, beige and yellow markers to color the image in later.

This box is very tightly packed and needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Small hitchhikers are welcome, just make sure the lid still closes properly once they’re added. Thanks!

A few outdoor fire safety tips to remember:
  • If smoking is permitted, safe practice requires a 3-foot clearing around the smoker
  • Put cigarette butts out completely, and dispose of in appropriate containers
  • Don’t park your vehicle on dry grass
  • Leave campsites and hiking trails as natural as possible, traveling on trails and other durable surfaces.
  • Inspect campsites before leaving to ensure all fires are completely doused.
  • Never take burning sticks out of a fire
  • Do not take any type of fireworks on public lands
  • Keep stoves, lanterns and heaters away from combustibles
  • Store flammable liquid containers in a safe place
  • Never use stoves, lanterns or heaters inside of tents
  • At first sign of a wildfire, leave the area immediately by established trails or roads. Contact the Ranger or 911 ASAP. If the escape route is blocked, go to the nearest lake or stream.

'Til Death Do Us Part - SFU Letterbox

Placement Date: 4/17/2007
(new location and clues 6/20/2007)
County: Wayne
Nearest City: Taylor

Oak Grove Cemetery
On Burr Rd, South of Van Born Road
Open during daylight hours only

This box is part of my “Til Death Do Us Part” series. Each box is/will be planted in an old, interesting cemetery in Southeast Michigan. Each box is a tribute to of one of my favorite movies/tv shows in which death somehow plays a major part, although this does not necessarily mean it is the main plot. I am not intending for this to be a morbid series, by any means. I find it fascinating to read the stones in old cemeteries. Please try to appear that you have a reason to be here, pay attention to the all of the stones (not just the ones noted in the clues), stopping to observe them along the way. I hope you enjoy the series and your visit to these historical treasures.

Before you head out…
Solve this simple cryptogram to discover the TV show that is the subject of this box:


Hint, the cryptogram “key” is the same for all boxes in this series. Before searching for this box, you will need to do some research about the actor names, character names, date of the series premiere and finale, actor birth dates and other information that can easily be found on the internet in a movie database. It is not necessary to watch the show before searching for this box. Although, it would enhance your enjoyment! Plus, it’s a good show, so rent a few seasons and watch it now!

Box Clues:

Pull into the center gate, turn immediately right and park at the end near a stone of a person who died 3 years to the day before the actress who plays Claire was born ______________

From this stone, walk east to a large tree across from a stone of a man whose first name is the name of the month in which the series finale originally aired. _____________

Standing ½ way between this headstone and tree, head north to a headstone of a father and son who died in the year 19XX _____. XX = the “age in 2007” ____of the actor who plays the father + the “age in 2007” ____of the actor who plays the son of the same name.

From this headstone, head north X____ steps, where X= the “age in 2007” of the actor who plays Billy. You should end up near a large stone that looks like someone misspelled the last name of the actor who plays Nate. ___________

With your back facing this stone, walk “X” number of steps. ______ X = the sum of all four numbers in the birth year for the actor who plays Keith.

You should be next to a stone with a formal English spelling of the first name of the character that is married to the character of Vanessa. ___________

Facing this stone, turn to your left. Walk generally straight for a while, pass the road, keep walking until you see a stone of Edward who was born 100 years before the year the series originally premiered. ______

Keep walking North “X” steps. _____ X = the “age in 2007” ___of the actor who plays David - the birth day date ___ of the actress who plays Ruth.

Turn right and walk straight to a headstone for a Mother with a name that sounds like an old-fashioned version of the character’s name that is portrayed by Lauren Ambrose. ____________

Continue on past this stone, to the road. Turn south on the road and walk in a generally straight direction for quite a while until a stone of a man whose first name is the same as the character played by James Cromwell blocks your way. ________________

From here, turn left and walk to a stone for another man with the same name who was born 60 years before the actress who played Betina. _______

Turn right and walk in a generally straight line (and maybe hooking to the right slightly at the end) X_____ steps. X = the last 2 #’s of the year the creator of the show was born. If you look down and to the left, I believe you will see the obvious hiding spot.

Please return the box to the left edge of the cubbyhole to minimize the visibility and cover it well. It appears that this general area may be a “hangout”, so please really make sure the box is well hidden.

After rehiding the box, you may want to take a couple photos, or leave a flower or stone on one of the nearby graves.

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Please do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

The log book in this box is a little on the small side, if you have more than one “hunter” with you, please try to have everyone stamp on one page, if possible. A bunch of geocachers signed into this book in it’s previous location, please feel free to stamp in on the unused portions of their pages to conserve space.

Note, there is no pen or stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! Black or dark green look best.

Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are small enough to allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed.

Thanks for visiting!

Warning! Warning! Letterbox

Placement date: 11/4/2006
County: Sanilac
Nearest City: ???

Break the code. Find the box.









I'm not sure, but I think this place may be especially busy "in season". You may want to bring the box back to your car to stamp in, to avoid detection.

Need a Hint:
If you *really* can't break the code and want a starting hint, find the answers to these 15 questions and send them to me. If you are correct, I will give you a starting point. (provide one word answers)
1. What city is the Sanilac County 4-H Fair held in?
2. What does the Sanilac County Underwater Preserve protect?
3. Disregarding the “direction”, on which street is the Sandusky Chamber of Commerce located?
4. The city of Decker is located at the cross streets of Decker and what other road?
5. The first settlers of Argyle were mostly “what”?
6. Robert Wilson of Shabonna was the “first” of two different things, what were they?
7. Nathanial Vannest built the first one of “these” in Peck in 1868, what is it?
8. What did George Pack build in Applegate in 1865?
9. What corner of Sanilac County is Brown City located?
10. What destroyed the docks in Lexington in 1913?
11. Charles Decker of Deckerville has a relative named Martin, what is Martin’s relation?
12. Minden City was given a “what” on the PMR in 1880?
13. Croswell was one of the leading trading, industrial and “what” centers at the turn of the century?
14. What did some Detroiters build out of bark in Port Sanilac around 1840?
15. What was the first building in Melvin?

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Please do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

Note, there is no pen or stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own!

This box needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are small enough to allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed. Thanks!

Once you find your location, the hike is pretty short with no major elevation changes. However, you may want to continue on your way for some great photo ops.

Thanks to PoPoBullyGrl for the help in planting this box!

Please Have a Seat Letterbox

Placement Date: 11/4/2006 (New clues and location 11/11/2006)
County: Tuscola
Nearest City: ???

Find all the words in the wordsearch puzzle . Enter the leftover letters in the spaces provided beneath the word list. (Disregard the extra letter.)

Word list:
CASS (separate from Lewis Cass)

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Solve the cryptogram to determine your starting point. There may be more than one word, the line break does not necessarily reflect a word break. Hint: For some odd reason, the second to last letter didn't encrypt. So, it equals itself.

Park west of the diner.
Walk generally south along the path
Turn west at your first logical opportunity
Head south on the dirt path east of the place where Venus might play
Keep going until it seems like you should go a different way
Head toward something sweet
Pass three of something invented in 1879 by a dude named Thomas
After the third, see a green thing unlike everything else here
Then notice three short brown things behind and east of the green thing.
Buried in the third is your cozy seat.
Rehide it well!

Box Notes:

This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.

Please do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

Note, there is no pen or stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own!

At certain times, this place may be extremely busy. When you figure out where you need to go, you should check their website to see if anything is going on the day you plan to search. If so, you may have to abort your mission. You'll be very conspicuous!

In general, it might be a good idea to bring a dog, friend or kid whenever you visit to make yourself look like you have a reason to be here! The hiding spot may be very close to muggles if the place is crowded. Please be sure to hide it very well for extra protection from snoops!

This box is very tightly packed and needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are very small and will allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed. Thanks!

Sandy Crane Letterbox

Placement date: 10/29/2006
County: Jackson
Nearest city: Jackson

This box is located in the Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Sanctuary. Go to their site www.haehnlesanctuary.org for more information on driving directions, bird watching lists, trail guides and the sanctuary. Although this box was planted in honor of the Sandhill Cranes, this sanctuary is a fantastic place to view many species of birds and other wildlife all year long. Check out the species lists online for optimum viewing seasons for different types of birds. Best viewing times for the cranes are early morning as they are leaving the sanctuary and about 1-2 hours before sunset as they are returning. You may want to bring binoculars if you have them.

The following information was provided from the sanctuary website: The Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Sanctuary, a Michigan Audubon sanctuary, has an area over 900 acres. The varied habitats include Beech and Oak Climax forests and native grasslands in the upland areas; among those in the wetland areas are a fen, a hardwood swamp, Eagle Lake and Mud Lake Marsh.

The Sanctuary is renowned for its Sandhill Cranes. Many pairs of cranes nest in the area and hundreds more gather here during fall migration (September to mid-November). Over 4,000 cranes were counted as they landed in Mud Lake Marsh one afternoon in November 2001. During fall weekends greeters welcome the many visitors who come to witness this glorious sight. This annual rite of fall can be viewed at the Harold Wing Observation Hill, which is located east of the parking lot and is handicap accessible. There is an interpretive display in this area and benches for weary birdwatchers.

The winter months provide an opportunity to hike the trails and observe animals like deer, squirrels and birds that are more visible on the white snow and in leafless trees.

Admission to the Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Sanctuary is free. It is open all year from dawn to dusk.

Letterbox Clues:
Park as far to the east as you can.
Head up to the hill and read about the cranes.
Follow the green.
After 7 comes 9
Then its 52 steps to 8
But only take ½+2
At a bearing of 50 see the remnants of one who once stood tall
Find an indirect way to this location
The resting crane is concealed inside

To stamp in, you can backtrack a ways past 6 to find a bench, or possibly sit on the rocks to the north

Once you return the box to its hiding place and cover it well, continue along the rest of the way and you’ll end up back where you started.

Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing. Do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.

Please note, there is no stamp pad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own. Optimum color choices are browns, blues or grays.

This box is very tightly packed and needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Please do not place hitchhikers in this box unless they are very small and will allow the lid to be sealed completely when closed. Thanks!

The hike is 1.2 miles long. The hike is easy enough, some minor inclines/declines. Note, this place is especially busy during late afternoons in the fall when the crane migration peaks. Please be extra cautious about being discreet so as not to reveal the location of this box!