County: Wayne
Nearest City: Brownstown
Hi there! My name is Jerome and I’m a Nomadic Gnome. My parents are always nagging me to settle down, establish a home and be a good citizen! But, I’m antsy and I get bored easily. I don’t want to stay in the same place all the time. Plus, I’m really indecisive. I’ve never really found a place that I love all the time. So, I have found four places in Michigan that I love and I relocate every few months. This way, I get the best of everything all year long! What could be better? In the winter, I go tobogganing and sledding. In the spring, it’s the love of flowers that calls me. What’s better than summer at the lake? Oooh, well, there’s cider, donuts and the smell of a crisp fall day. That’s pretty good, too! You can see why I can’t settle, right? So, come see me! I expect to see you four times a year in all my favorite places. When you decide to come visit, be sure to verify that I’m home first. I’d hate for you to try to go tobogganing in June and doughnut eating in February!
Summer Home: Jerome lives here from approximately mid June to around Labor Day.
Status: He’s Home! Come visit.
Lake Erie Metro Park
32481 W Jefferson, Brownstown, MI
Open 6am-10pm Daily. $4 per car (additional fees for wave pool, golf and boating)
Sorry, no pets on the nature trail!
It’s Summer! Golf! Picnics! Swimming! Wave Pool! Hiking! Nature Center! Boating! And a whole lot more!
Hi there! I’m Jerome! It’s nice to meet you. I’ve moved into my summer home at Lake Erie. I hope you come to visit me. If you do, head into the park and follow the signs to the Marshlands Museum and Nature Center. Once there, you can park anywhere that suits you. (For a longer walk, park by the Wave Pool and walk on the paved Hike-Bike trail to the museum) There are some really cool fish tanks and marsh displays inside the museum. You should go check them out! I bet you’ll find a neat little trail map inside, too. There’s also some information about a Metro Parks geo-caching adventure here. Please don’t ask anyone about me, though!
Look around the museum for a bit. You can head upstairs for some cozy chairs and a nice view. Or if you’re ready to come visit, head out the back door to find the mulch trail off to the left. There’s a boat dock here that’ll lead you astray, feel free to stop and observe or just head along on your way. Ohh, a cute little boardwalk bridge! Weee! Another overlook and a sportsman’s bench to distract you! Keep on going past the bench. And soon another overlook pulls you away. Go take a look, or just keep on walking. Hundreds of birds singing and singing! Another boardwalk and another gorgeous view. Aren’t the flowers lovely here? There was a beautiful big heron down to the left a ways when I moved in. Is he there now? Keep on walking down the main path, there’s a duck hunters bench for the weary. Keep walking, I think you’re getting close now! Mmmmm, berries! Can you smell their sweetness? Better not pick any, though. Keep walking along, straight ahead, don’t go left! I see another duck hunters bench that looks good for a rest. Another overlook down the long path to the right. Better not skip this one! When I moved in, a monarch butterfly and a dragonfly were chasing me around and dive-bombing me at the end of the boardwalk! I had a lot of fun watching and playing with them, so I decided this seemed like a good place to live. Don’t you agree? On your way back up to the bench, on the north side of the trail, look under the boards just where they meet the gravel. Do you see my house? Remember to cover me up and hide me well when you leave. I hate visits from muggles!
When you’re ready to go home, turn right past the bench and continue along your way to finish your journey. Keep walking for a while! Don’t let that big black dog scare you. He won’t bite! Just one last boardwalk and your car should be in sight.
Notes: I thought there was a beach here, but it turns out there isn’t! So for the purposes of my “accessories”, please pretend the umbrellas at the wave pool have stripes and that the concrete is really sand! =). If you’re looking for a good beach in the area, Sterling State Park is about 15 miles south. Take I-75 to exit 15. I heard a rumor that there may be a box located there!
Box Notes:
This box is completely airtight and water proof when closed correctly. Please take care that there is no plastic or dirt between the lid seal and box. Snap all four latches completely when closing.
Do not place this box inside of a plastic bag.
Note, there is no inkpad inside of this box! Remember to bring your own! If you’re creative, you may want to bring markers so that you can color the individual parts and pieces of these stamps appropriately. The Gnome stamp remains the same all year, but the scenery and accessories vary for each homestead. You can use any or all of the accessories to decorate your scene. If you plan to visit all four locations throughout the year, you should use at least one of the accessories, so you can differentiate the Gnome from place to place.
This box is very tightly packed and needs to be closed properly to be watertight. Please do not place hitchhikers in this box.
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